Page Notes
Originally published as "Bones Jones" on 8/26/2010
Ah, Pandora. She really DOES seem to know everything, but she’s not telling. That’s the thing. There’s a lot of back story here, and I’m not sure when it will come out (but it will). That she finds gods annoying is no surprise (think about it). My friend Skye (yes, she DOES pop up a lot) went as Hell’s Librarian for Halloween once, and I couldn’t resist. HOW COULD I RESIST IT? And the inspiration for the character, my friend Holly, is, in fact, a Librarian, and has helped point me to what I can only call Library Porn for my sketches of what Hell’s Library would look like. Big, big fun. How could I saddle Mary with a last name like Bones Jones? I don’t know. Well, I do. Bones is from some original naming games I was playing with the four main (ly human main) characters (at this point in the story they have not all shown up), and then I just liked it. Sorry Mary!